Elected Leaders Foundations
This course gives elected officials the foundational skills and knowledge needed to run a city.
Most cities operate under a “statutory city” structure set up by Minnesota law that dictates council size and powers. Fewer cities organize using the “home rule charter” option. How to become a city, grow and dissolve. Understand the city’s place in the hierarchy of state and federal governments.
Minnesota law provides for two basic types of cities: statutory cities operating under the statutory city code, and home rule…
Understand the authority to form a home rule charter city, charter city powers and the ways it may be organized.
Learn about the different kinds of local government such as cities, towns, counties, and their relationship to state and federal…
Guidance for home rule charter cities or a statutory city considering adopting the home rule form of government.
This course gives elected officials the foundational skills and knowledge needed to run a city.
This course helps participants understand the structure and function of Minnesota cities.
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